Electra Link, Inc. offers law enforcement, surveillance and security monitoring and emergency preparedness products and related services through this contract. Products and services including on this contract include but are not limited to intercom systems, surveillance, access control, intrusion detection and power protection. Contract may be used by the state and local government, public education, other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state. This contract allows for resellers.
DIR has exercised the automatic renewal option for this Contract. This renewal extends the contract through 11/01/2025.
Visit this Vendor’s website to view the latest product, service, and pricing information.
Products & Services
This contract offers the following products and services. Please contact the Vendor for the latest information.
Emergency Preparedness Hardware and Related Services
Emergency Preparedness Software and Related Services
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Security Services
Surveillance, Security and Monitoring
Commodity Codes
Commodity codes are standard classification codes for products and services. These codes come from the State of Texas NIGP Commodity book. Using these codes tells Procurement Services what kinds of items are purchased most, so we can build better contracts to serve your needs.
For product and pricing information, visit the Electra Link, Inc. website or contact Nicole Mallette at (281) 323-6152. Reseller Vendors are also available through this contract. Select from any Reseller Vendor contact listed below to also obtain product and pricing information
Generate a purchase order made payable to Electra Link, Inc. and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-4903 on your purchase order.
E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor or reseller sales representative.