Products & Services
This contract offers the following products and services. Please contact the Vendor for the latest information.
Commodity Codes
Commodity codes are standard classification codes for products and services. These codes come from the State of Texas NIGP Commodity book. Using these codes tells Procurement Services what kinds of items are purchased most, so we can build better contracts to serve your needs.
- 208-10 - Accounting/Financial: Bookkeeping, Billing and Invoicing, Budgeting, Payroll, Taxes, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-11 - Application Software, (Not Otherwise Classified), Microcomputer
- 208-12 - Architectural Software, Microcomputer
- 208-15 - Aviation Software, Flight Control, Ground Support, Testing, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-20 - Business Software, Misc.: Agenda, Labels, Mail List, Planning, Scheduling, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-27 - Communications: Networking, Linking, etc. (Includes Clustering Software), Microcomputer
- 208-66 - Professional: Computer Training, E-learning, Hospital/Pharmacy, Legal, etc. Software, Microcomputer
- 208-30 - Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Vectorization Software, Microcomputer
- 208-67 - Programming: Basic, Assembler, Computer Assisted Software Engineering Tools (CASE), Libraries, etc., Microcomputer.
- 208-32 - Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM), Microcomputer
- 208-68 - Project Management Software, Microcomputer
- 208-36 - Data Processing Software, Microcomputer
- 208-70 - Printing Software, Microcomputer
- 208-37 - Database Software, Microcomputer
- 208-40 - Driver and Hardware Support Programs, Microcomputer
- 208-41 - Engineering Software, Microcomputer
- 208-77 - Recycled Software, Microcomputer
- 208-42 - EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Translator Software, Microcomputer
- 208-80 - Software, Microcomputer (Not Otherwise Classified)
- 208-43 - Educational: eLearning, Foreign Languages, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-81 - Software For Computer Software Training, Microcomputer
- 208-44 - E-Mail Software, Microcomputer
- 208-82 - Scientific, Statistical, Engineering, Mathematical, and Mapping Software, Including Photogrammetry, Microcomputer
- 208-83 - Shipping, Postal Management and Address Verification Software, Microcomputer
- 208-46 - E-Commerce Software, Microcomputer
- 208-84 - Spreadsheet Software, Microcomputer
- 208-85 - Surveying Systems Software, Microcomputer
- 208-50 - Graphics: Clip Art, Demos, Presentation, Slide Shows, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-51 - Human Resources Software, Microcomputer
- 208-87 - Tools, Programming and Case Software, Microcomputer
- 208-53 - Integrated Software, Microcomputer
- 208-88 - Software, Monitoring, Microcomputer
- 208-54 - Internet, Web Site and Mobile Application Development Software, Microcomputer
- 208-90 - Utilities: Back-up, Batch File, Firewall, Menus, Operating System, Network Operating System, Network Management, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, etc., Microcomputer
- 208-55 - Inventory Management Software, Microcomputer
- 208-56 - Logistics and Supply Chain Software, Microcomputer
- 208-57 - Law Enforcement Software, Microcomputer
- 209-12 - Application Software, Mainframe Computer, Including Cobol
- 209-13 - Application Software, Servers
- 208-59 - Library Information Management and Library Catalog Database Software, Microcomputer
- 208-60 - Medical Software, All Types, Microcomputer
- 208-61 - OCR and Scanner Software, Microcomputer
- 208-63 - Personnel Software, Microcomputer
- 209-28 - Communications: Networking, Linking, etc., Mainframes and Servers
- 209-37 - Data Processing Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-38 - Database Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-41 - Driver and Hardware Support Programs, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-44 - Educational: eLearning, Foreign Languages, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc. Mainframes and Servers ,
- 209-46 - Expert System Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-47 - Engineering Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-91 - Utilities: Back-up, Batch File, Menus, Network Management, Operating System, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, etc., Mainframes and Servers
- 209-49 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 220-14 - Energy Computerized Control Systems: HVAC, Lighting, Utilities, etc. Combination
- 220-87 - Weather Instruments: Anemometers, Barographs, Barometers, Hygrometers, Lightning Strike Counters, Relative Humidity Meters, Thermographs, Radar Weather Display, etc.
- 220-88 - Weather Station
- 209-54 - Internet, Web Site and Mobile Application Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-56 - Inventory Management Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-67 - Professional: eLearning, Hospital and Pharmacy, Legal, Computer Training, etc., Mainframes and Servers
- 209-68 - Programming: Basic, Assembler, etc., Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-69 - Project Management Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-70 - Printing Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 209-86 - Surveying and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 920-27 - Ecommerce Software Development Services
- 920-28 - Emergency Back-up, Disaster Recovery Services and Facilities for Data Processing
- 920-33 - Mapping and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Services, Digitized, Cartography (See 962-52 for Standard Mapping Services)
- 920-37 - Networking Services, Including Installation, Security, and Maintenance
- 920-02 - Access Services, Data
- 920-39 - Processing System Services, Data (Not Otherwise Classified)
- 920-03 - Application Service Provider (ASP), Web Based Hosted
- 920-40 - Programming Services, Computer, Including Mobile Device Applications
- 920-04 - Applications Software, Main Frame Server Systems
- 920-41 - Retrieval Services, Information
- 920-07 - Applications Software for Microcomputer Systems: Business, Mathematical and Statistical, Medical, Scientific, etc.
- 920-14 - Applications Software, Mainframes and Servers
- 920-45 - Software Maintenance and Support Services
- 920-46 - Software Updating and Upgrading Services
- 920-19 - Computer Digitizing Services
- 920-47 - Support Services, Computer, Includes Computer Warranties
- 920-48 - Storage Services, Data Media
- 920-22 - Data Preparation and Processing Services, Including Bates Coding
- 920-23 - Data Recovery Services
- 920-56 - Systems and Executive Software, Microcomputer
- 920-24 - Data Conversion Services
- 920-63 - Systems and Executive Software, Mainframe and Servers
- 920-64 - System Implementation and Engineering Services
- 920-65 - System Requirements Quality Assurance Review
- 920-91 - Training, Computer Based, Software Supported
Contract Documents for
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How to Order
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Reseller Vendor Contacts
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