Doing Business with DIR
On this page:
How to become a Prime Vendor
How to become a Subcontractor or Reseller for a Prime Vendor
View Solicitation Opportunities
Engage DIR leadership
“Vendors are essential partners to the state of Texas.”
To become a DIR vendor, you first need to formally respond to an open solicitation, typically a Request for Offers (RFO) that corresponds to your company's core products and services. DIR has an established procurement process in keeping with guidance from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) Procurement and Contract Management Guide. Upon evaluation, if your company falls within the competitive range, DIR will enter into negotiations with you and seek to achieve a contract award that serves the State’s best interests.
Learn more about current & upcoming Solicitation Opportunities
DIR is always striving to provide our customers new offerings and deep discounts. Stay in the loop by visiting our Schedule of Solicitation Opportunities page or visiting the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD).
DIR posts all planned solicitations on the Schedule of Solicitation Opportunities page and we include links to the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) for those opportunities that are posted. Interested vendors should bookmark this page and check it frequently for updates.
Additionally, when DIR posts a new solicitation, for the applicable class and item codes, vendors registered on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) will be notified of solicitation opportunities by email. It is the vendor’s responsibility to find all notices.
However, vendors are not required to be on the CMBL to respond to a solicitation or be awarded a DIR contract.
How to become a Prime Vendor
A prime vendor is any vendor that is awarded and holds a master contract with DIR.
A prime vendor can be:
- a Manufacturer/Publisher,
- an authorized reseller of the Manufacturer/Publisher, or
- a service provider.
DIR strives to award multiple contracts to allow a range of choices for our customers. Prime Vendor contracts are established and awarded using the following process, which complies with all state purchasing requirements:
- DIR posts the Request for Offers (RFO) on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) with continuous updates on the Schedule of Solicitation Opportunities
- Vendors submit proposals to DIR by the required deadline through the Bidstamp Portal
- DIR evaluates vendor responses
- Responsive vendors who fall within the competitive range are sent an invitation to negotiate
- After successful negotiations, contracts are awarded for a specified term
- Solicitations or vendor negotiations may terminate at any time during the process if it is determined by DIR to be in the best interest of our customers and the State.
Prime vendors can also name subcontractors and resellers for their products/services under their master contract.
How to Become a Subcontractor or Reseller for a Prime Vendor
Prime vendors and subcontractors/resellers work together directly to establish their relationship; DIR is not involved in the process.
- Browse for potential partners that offer products and services that you would like to offer.
- Contact the prime vendor and negotiate directly. This process is handled exclusively between the reseller and the prime vendor.
- Note that the prime vendor may be a manufacturer or may be a reseller for one or more manufacturers. Even if the prime vendor agrees to add your company as a reseller under the contract, you may need to obtain authorization directly from the manufacturer to sell their products or services.
- Subcontractors may be added at the prime vendor's discretion, upon DIR's approval.
- The prime vendor submits an amended HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) to the DIR Contract Manager to add your company as an authorized reseller or as a subcontractor. Once reviewed and approved, the DIR contract manager will add your company to the contract and your company will show as a reseller or subcontractor on the Contract detail page.
- How to Search for Contracts
- Visit the IT Solutions & Services page and learn more about DIR Program Areas
- Search through categories of Product & Service offerings
- Use the search bar to look for contracts that offer products and services that you would like to resell
- Further refine search results by filtering via product type, NIGP commodity code, or other filter categories
NOTE: New products and services may be added to the prime vendor's contract, at DIR's discretion, if they are in scope of the contract, are offered at a competitive discount, and are in demand by DIR customers.
Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Vendors
We encourage Historically Underutilized Business (HUBs) and Minority and Women Business Enterprise vendors to participate in our solicitation process as described above.
Additional information on our HUB Program is available. For information on the Statewide HUB Program and to learn how to become a HUB, visit the Comptroller of Public Accounts Statewide HUB Program or contact them by phone at 1-888-863-5881 or email at [email protected].
Reporting Sales and Payment of Admin Fees
Once your contract has been established, you will be required to report your sales through your DIR contract on a monthly basis. Your contract will have a standard monthly Administrative fee that will be calculated based on the total amount of eligible sales. More info regarding vendor responsibilities and remittance of payments can be found on the Reporting Sales and Admin Fee Payment page.
DIR Applications Portal
Visit the Applications Portal and gain access to the Bidstamp Portal (for submitting responses to open Request for Offers (RFO) Solicitations) or the Vendor Sales Reporting (VSR) Portal (for submitting monthly VSRs).