Cybersecurity Outreach
Bringing Cybersecurity to You
DIR hosts and participates in many different events throughout the year to highlight the importance of cybersecurity – both in your professional life as a cybersecurity professional, and as a Texas citizen.
Gartner Series Webinar
Webinars focused on current cybersecurity trends and topics.
Audience: All interested public sector employees.
Date held: Third Wednesday of each month at 11:00 am Central Time. -
OCISO Educational Webinars
These webinars focus on providing new trends, cybersecurity technologies and lessons learned from the vendor community. Notifications of these webinars go out through our mailing lists.
Audience: All interested public sector employees.
Date held: 4th Thursday of every even-numbered month at 11:00 am Central Time.
Information Security Forum (ISF): A premier conference open to Texas public sector employees focusing on security trends and technologies. Date held: Annually in the springtime.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Each October, join your fellow cybersecurity professionals to promote vigilance and best practices.
Texas High School Public Service Announcement Competition: This competition solicits high school students to use their creativity and learn the importance of cybersecurity practices. Date held: Annually in October.
CyberStart America: This online cyber challenge contest for high school students invites them to play and learn about cybersecurity through a series of games and challenges, which can lead to prizes and scholarship money. Date held: Annually, November through April.
TX-ISAO Weekly Newsletter: This newsletter highlights the latest trends, breaches, vulnerabilities, threat intelligence, and upcoming events.
Security-Officer mail list: This mail list is intended to be a forum for officially designated state agency or higher education C/ISO. Subscribers may use the list to:
Seek advice from other government ISOs regarding security issues.
Receive updates on current security alerts including alerts from MS-ISAC and US-CERT.
Discuss technical issues.
Request referrals or opinions about IT security products and services.
Share resources and expertise.
TX-ISAO Mail List: Sign up for the latest news and updates relevant to your organization. Sign up here.
Information for Texans
Texans can visit for news, tips, and resources to protect their information from a cyberattack.
Resources for You and Your Organization
Cybersecurity Best Practices, General Public Alerts or Notices, Elections Security Information, and Public Content Series
IT Risk Management and Recommendations to Reduce Vulnerabilities
Find additional cybersecurity training here.