Texas Cybersecurity Council Participation Application
The Texas Cybersecurity Council is created by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to develop enduring partnerships between private industry and public sector organizations to ensure that critical infrastructure and sensitive information are protected, to develop a cybersecurity workforce to protect technology resources from increasing threats and develop strategies and solutions that ensure that Texas continues to lead in areas of cybersecurity.
Membership Structure
The Council membership is comprised of participation tiers that limit the leadership and decision-making voting group defined as Council Members, and a broad non-voting group defined as Council Guests.
Council Leadership
The Council is led by the State Cybersecurity Coordinator, as designated by the DIR Executive Director. The Council also elects a Vice-Chair that will fulfill the duties of the Chair if for any reason the Chair is temporarily unavailable.
Council Members
All Council members are selected designates pursuant to Section 2054.512 of the Texas Government Code. Members designated by their agency are considered permanent members. All other members have a two-year term of service. Only members of the Council have voting rights.
Council Guests
Council Guests are participants of the public-private partnership consisting of organizations or individuals that can support the achievement of the Council’s objectives. Guests serve at the pleasure of the Council without term limits. Guests do not have voting rights.
Council Participant Requirements
All members and guests of the Council are expected to abide by the terms of the Council’s charter and sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Candidates are expected to be familiar with the charter and mission of the Council before applying.
Cyberscurity Council Member Application
Cybersecurity Council Membership Form
Contact DIR
For questions about the Texas Cybersecurity Council:
Cybersecurity Council
Under Government Code Chapters 552 and 559, you have certain rights to review, request, and correct personal information we collect and maintain about you. To request information for review or to request error correction, contact us here. For information about our privacy practices, click here for the DIR Privacy and Security Notice.