Find information about IT planning, cybersecurity, and data management for your organization.
Leveraging the purchasing power of the state for IT products and services
Managed IT services that Texas government organizations can use to accelerate service delivery.
Helping ensure the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information assets
Working to improve data governance and create value through data sharing
Policies, reports, and guidance on implementing IT for your organization
Providing payment processing, custom app development, technology and operations, customer service, marketing, and more
Statewide communications infrastructure providing voice and data solutions
Planning statewide technology priorities and reporting on progress.
Making electronic information and services accessible to all.
Information security policy and planning.
Technology bills filed by the Texas Legislature.
Project Delivery Framework and other resources to help keep your project, large or small, on track.
Data management vision and direction for the State of Texas.
Resources to assist agencies with digital transformation.
Find information, tools, and services for your organization.
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Learn about how to find and order IT products and services through our approved contracts and other programs.
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