IT Staffing Services

DIR has identified the list of apparent awardees for the ITSAC RFO DIR-CPO-TMP-579.  Please be aware that this list is posted to assist the DIR Customer and Vendor Community with planning and transitioning of any on-going projects.  

Note: Vendors on the list do not have a DIR contract until they have received an executed contract from DIR. As contract awards are made, the following list will be updated to reflect the Contract Number.

Awarded contract will be searchable on the DIR website by either the vendor’s name and/or contract number. All active contracts can also be found through the following RFO search:…

ITSAC Apparent Awardee List for RFO DIR-CPO-TMP-579

IT Staff Augmentation Contracts (ITSAC) provide temporary IT staff resources on an as-needed hourly basis. Resources are acquired via solicitations initiated by eligible DIR Cooperative Contract customers. Whatever expertise level you're looking for, DIR has you covered. Resource experience levels range from interns to highly experienced and specialized IT Staff.

Customers have two options when acquiring IT Staffing Services: soliciting a Request for Resume or issuing a Statement of Work (SOW) for more complex staffing services solution. Processes are outlined below.

DIR has created the ITSAC Portal used to help Customers and Vendors track solicitations issued through the ITSAC Program. Access the portal by clicking on Sign In at the top of the page or going to the DIR Applications Portal.

Active IT Staffing Services Contracts

Click the link below to view a list of all active contracts awarded for IT Staffing Services under RFO 579 (DIR-CPO-TMP-579).

Note: Contracts may be awarded and terminated at any time by DIR.


Customers are encouraged to follow this process when soliciting specific ITSAC staffing resources. Individual candidates can be solicited based on Category, Title, and Level.   

For a detailed guide to using the ITSAC Portal, please refer to the Portal guides for Customers or Vendors below in the Resources Section.

  1. Log into the ITSAC Portal by clicking on the Sign In link at the top of the page or via the DIR Applications Portal.

  2. On the ITSAC Portal Home Page, click on 'Submit Request for Resumes'. 

  3. Follow the steps in the wizard to provide the Solicitation details required. Refer to the RFO documents or Contract documents regarding differing Category, Title, Levels, and Not to Exceed (NTE) rates. 

  4. Click on the 'Post' button to set a deadline date for vendors to respond by and to select the desired vendors for notification (defaulted to all vendors with an active ITSAC contract). The system will send an email to selected vendors. 

  5. During the Posted phase, monitor the solicitation and make edits, such as extending the deadline.

  6. Once the deadline date has passed, navigate to the Candidates tab on the Solicitation to review all submitted candidates from vendors. Make note of the Candidate statuses.

  7. Download the candidate list and the resumes provided by vendors to select potential candidates for interviews and awards. Note that customers may further negotiate candidate rates. 

  8. Once all candidates have been selected, click on the 'Award' button and finalize the Solicitation details. The solicitation will be closed and eligible vendors will be notified. 

Customers are encouraged to follow the SOW process when soliciting vendor responses to fulfill immediate and/or future IT temporary staffing needs where specific resource needs may only be generally defined in the solicitation. Under this process, the awarded ITSAC vendor provides resources to the customer on an as-needed basis through an ordering process defined in the Statement of Work.

Examples of SOW Solicitations may include a retainer of staff types over an agreed-upon period, or a proposed team of candidates to staff a specific project. 

For a detailed guide to using the ITSAC Portal, please refer to the Portal guides for Customers or Vendors below in the Resources Section.

  1. Develop the SOW Solicitation. Refer to DIR's SOW page or contact DIR's SOW staff at [email protected] for assistance with developing a SOW Solicitation.

  2. *For State Agency Customers (not including Higher Education), SOWs must be reviewed by DIR prior to soliciting responses from vendors. Contact DIR staff by emailing [email protected].  Agencies should follow the standard SOW Review process by submitting the draft SOW through the SOW Portal.

  3. Once DIR completes the review and approves the SOW, if required, the customer may solicit responses - either through the ITSAC Portal or by sending the SOW directly to ITSAC vendors via email. If sending directly via email, skip to step 8.

  4. Log into the ITSAC Portal by clicking on the 'Sign into My DIR' link. 

  5. On the ITSAC Portal Home Page, click on 'Submit Statement of Work'. 

  6. Follow the steps to submit the details necessary for the solicitation. Refer to documents below or Contract details regarding differing Category, Title, Levels, and Not to Exceed (NTE) rates and upload all SOW documents.

  7. Click on the Solicitation Reference Number and click on the 'Post' button to set a deadline and notify the desired vendors. The system will send an email to all selected vendors. 

  8. Once the deadline date has passed, if using the ITSAC Portal, navigate to the SOW Response Tab to review each vendor's SOW Response. Otherwise receive the responses in accordance with the process established for the solicitation. Follow the review and evaluation process established for the solicitation. Note that customers may further negotiate candidate rates or customer-specific SOW requirements.

  9. If using the ITSAC Portal, once vendor(s) have been selected, click on the 'Award' button, and finalize the Solicitation details. The solicitation will be closed, and all eligible vendors will then be notified. For State Agency customers (not including Higher Education), SOWs must undergo final review by DIR prior to the award being valid. Contact DIR staff via email at: [email protected] for additional information.


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Last Updated: 10-03-2024

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Last Updated: 10-03-2024

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Last Updated: 06-20-2024

.docx (2.73 MB)
Last Updated: 06-13-2024

ITSAC Portal Vendor User Guide updated 6/13/2024

Contact DIR

If you have any questions about the ITSAC process, please contact DIR here.


Cooperative Contracts

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