Contact DIR

For immediate assistance, try DIR's Assistant for Search and Help (DASH) found at the bottom right corner of our website. DASH is a chatbot available to help you navigate our resources and answer your questions 24/7.

You may also refer to our list of DIR program area contacts.

Becoming a DIR Vendor

DIR does not have a sign up or registration list for becoming a DIR vendor on DIR’s Cooperative Contract Program. There are only two ways to become a DIR vendor:  1) interested vendors must submit a response to one of DIR’s posted Request For Offers and go through the evaluation and negotiation phases. 2) Or, interested vendors may consider becoming a reseller/subcontractor on an existing prime contract holder’s DIR contract.

Here are good references for interested vendors:


For questions related to the Texas Risk and Authorization Management Program (TX-RAMP), contact [email protected] or see the TX-RAMP page for more resources and FAQs.

Media Requests

All media and press requests for DIR should go through the Public Affairs Office:

Email [email protected] or call 512-475-4704.

Public Information Act Requests

Requests for records pursuant to the Public Information Act may be submitted by clicking on the following link: DIR's Public Information Management and Tracking System.

If you prefer to fax, mail, or hand deliver your Public Information request, please use the below contact information: 



DIR Main Office

300 West 15th St., Suite 1300
Austin, TX 78701

DIR Mailing Address

P.O. Box 13564
Austin, TX 78711-3564

Ask DIR? Question, Comment, or Feedback

For general inquiries or to provide feedback about any DIR program or service, you may use either our online form or our general information access line:1-855-ASK-DIR1(1-855-275-3471)

Please DO NOT submit requests for records pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act (open records requests) via this page.

Contact DIR



DIR provides our customers information resources with the goal of improving state and local government service to the citizens of Texas. DIR values your feedback and aims to address any concerns you may have. You may complete our complaint form here: 

Under Texas Government Code Chapters 552 and 559, you have certain rights to review, request, and correct personal information we collect and maintain about you. To request information for review or to request error correction, contact us via email at: [email protected].

For information about our privacy practices, click here for the DIR Privacy and Security Notice.

About File Formats

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